Category Archives - Entrepreneur

Investment Value Proposition

Definition: Investment Value proposition refers to a set of business statements that a company uses to summarise why an investor should take part in the investment offering – which can be in the form of an elevator pitch. These statements convince a potential investor that their investment product will provide greater value than other similar offerings. The statement would…

Five Things Investors Look For

The world of start-ups sounds very exciting, and it can be if you back a winner; but the reality is most start-ups fail. With a plethora of opportunities being presented to us daily via various crowdfunding platforms, how does one find the time to understand the deals in order to make a sounds investment decision. Here are five keys things you should look for before investing into any start-up:

Are You Investor Ready?

So, you’re thinking about putting your business in front of investors to encourage a cash injection. It looks great… on the surface. New concept, obvious market, scalable… but apart from the brief, what do your investors really know about your business idea? What questions will investors ask and need answered before they are truly confident of hitting the “invest” button? These…

What funding suits you?

There are many ways to fund a business, particularly when entrepreneurs by their very nature are so resourceful. Below we have outlined the most common methods. It is important to carefully consider the stage your business is at, when you are looking at which method of funding might suit you. Businesses at the very early stage for example, will need to establish some proof…

SEIS & EIS Explained

The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) are government initiatives offering some of the most attractive tax breaks available in the UK. The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) provides tax incentives in the form of a variety of income tax and capital gains tax reliefs to investors who invest in smaller, unquoted, trading companies…

Raise capital through your own network

Shadow Foundr has just launched some exciting new functionality to our platform called the ‘Followers Investment Suite’. Every business owner understands the need for growth capital in order to take their business to the next level. But what if you could raise this in a compliant manner, and through your own network?